Sunday, December 16, 2018

How To Delete Whatsapp Message Permanently

How To Delete Whatsapp Message After Sending - Never experienced circumstances when you guys want to retract messages chat WhatsApp or permanently delete chat WA? Unfortunately you guys can't do it and forced to bear the shame that makes you guys are awkward.

But don't worry because the admin is happy to tell you guys how could even delete the message without being discovered, WA using WhatsApp as one of media messaging for now it can be said to be mandatory and must-have.

With a myriad of capabilities and the ease with which given makes WhatsApp as media messaging that is very popular among old and young in many countries and is currently its users themselves already touching numbers Billion and counting.

With the ease of a good Messaging on WhatsApp, it sometimes makes us inadvertently sending personal messages to a group or to other friends who are not our goal, and it came to the wrong WA chat send.

Not very convenient for the sender if the message sent is a personal thing or important things that should be known by certain people only, and it made my friend want to pull the message WA, then can one delete chat WhatsApp in the receiver?

To fix the issue precisely in October 2017 Whatsapp party officially presents the new features by deleting the message WA meaning you can pull back the message WA that has been delivered, even with this feature if your friend No online content pesanmu not be found out.

The latest update on whatsapp features of this already you can use for all of you users of Android/IOS/WindowsPhone

How To Delete Whatsapp Message Permanently

Clearly this feature can be used on Android OS/IOS/WindowsPhone, complete and details you can follow the tutorial how to remove wrong send WhatsApp chat below:

1. Update whatsapp you can do via google play store and for you guys who do not get the latest updates on play store can directly download the apk file whatsapp on official website (click or copy the link in the your browser and click download now).

2. After the update whatsapp installed on hp android you, simply open the application and go to the chat group or the opponent you are unintentionally sent, well now you can delete messages that WA, okay Let's proceed to the next step.

  1. The first step you select the wrong WA messages send and long press to display such a display changing whatsapp number two.
  2. Next select the icon or picture of the litter box.
  3. In the third step you should vote Delete For Everyone.

"Delete For Me" message and will only be removed for us alone but the message will still be visible and can be read by my grub. Delete "For Everyone"/"clear To Everyone" message will be removed for all people within one grub.

3. At the time of Deletion For Everyone you choose will be shown a confirmation message like the picture below. And then click OK.

On the arrow at the top of the admin give a description which ye shall notice, that is to say here is that the selected messages will be deleted for all the people in the new version of whatsapp in the chat.

So if in the grub or private chat there are opposed to the chat you are still using the older version of whatsapp messages chat remains still exist and will not be removed from the chat you opponent whatsapp.

Additional Info:
There are a few things that makes whatsapp is not updated automatically or fail to update:

# Automatic update configuration on First google play store only terseting if hp android Wifi device connected.

# Second no space or sufficient space on storage hp if update whatsapp does and thirdly because it uses an older version of android.

4. At this point you have successfully deleted the message WA, see in the image below.
The Third Step Of The Third Message TerdeleteLangkah Message Has Been Terdelete

If it appears the description You deleted this message as in the picture are circled means you successfully use removing the wrong chat message send.

If it's on display chat buddy, showing as it means the message has been deleted in wa, or even as PAL chat with someone and then suddenly appear like that, meaning friend buddy has also been deleting messages she sent.

By means of the above you can already pull back the wrong WA send messages either in the grub or private chat.

Why Can Not Delete Chat WhatsApp
In addition to the measures already admin explained above, there are still a few things that you should look at the IE chat messages you send the wrong can only be deleted in full in both the private and the grub up to 7 minutes.

If it has been more than 7 minutes then the Delete option will not be there For Everyone and only there will be a Delete for Me only.

This indicates the message is you can't delete or you pull again and can make sure everybody in the grub will read your message.

The message has been read or unread, Delete For Everyone when you do then the message will be deleted.

When the message has been deleted there is no confirmation of the deletion if menginfokan whatsapp messages successfully/unsuccessfully for everyone in the grub or explain that the message was successfully deleted from the A, the B, the C and did not manage to erase on the D, the E and so on.

Advice from an admin, if you are unable to delete the message and then pull/take a confirmation on the grub. Where a confirmation message can be adapted to the conditions of the messages found are something very personal things, a secret company or something that smells of sara and politics.

Prepare also a good answer and can be accepted if there are friends in grub that asked about the messages you delete.

Please share this link so that friends or relatives you yeng yet knows how to delete a message without found out WA opposed to chat you can participate and learn in order to help others.

Share you experiences while also using the removal feature of whatsapp messages in the comments field below.
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