Friday, December 21, 2018

The Following How to Flush DNS in Windows

Before we discuss further DNS Flush, it will be good, we know what is DNS. DNS (Domain Name System) is a system that stores information about the hostname or domain in the form of scattered data base (distributed database) in computer networks.

For example: the internet. DNS translates the name of a website into the IP Address. Windows has its own DNS Cache, where the cache is storing data browsing users so it can speed up the loading of Web sites previously visited.

How to Flush DNS in Windows

Flush DNS is a command to make changes to the computer that is being used in order to customize information changes that occur on a Domain, NameServer, DNS, and Web sites that the latest data has not been seen after the change of data though has been repeatedly doing refresh your browser. Following are the steps how to clear dns cache in windows.

Open a Command Prompt (cmd) on your computer. By pressing the keyboard combination of icons Windows + R, then type cmd then enter.

Type command ipconfig/flushdns, and then press enter.

If it works, then there is notification Windows IP Configuration Success.

Very easy, isn't it? That's how flush DNS in Windows. Now you can clear all the cache that is in Windows. Thanks and hopefully useful.
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